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The Link Between Perfectionism and Procrastination and How to Address It 

By PFactor
15 Min Read

Procrastination is a widespread problem that many people struggle with. Despite being aware of the negative consequences, individuals tend to delay taking action.

Perfectionism can often be a contributing factor to why individuals tend to procrastinate. Take the case of perfectionistic students who are overly self-critical when it comes to making mistakes in school assignments. This leads them to procrastinate on doing homework as a way to avoid the negative emotions that come with it. Similarly, writers who strive for perfection may find themselves hesitant to seek feedback on their book due to fear of criticism.

Understanding the connection between perfectionism and procrastination is crucial due to its potential consequences. In the following article, you will discover the connection between perfectionism and procrastination and explore practical ways to address this issue.

The connection between striving for perfection and procrastination

The connection between striving for perfection and delaying tasks is intricate and relies on the particular facets of perfectionism that an individual possesses:

  • Certain elements of striving for perfection can often lead to a tendency to delay tasks. These include, most notably, concerns about achieving perfection, which are characterized primarily by self-criticism and negative self-evaluations, excessive focus on meeting others’ expectations, lack of fulfillment from successful performance, excessive worry about making mistakes, and doubts about one’s abilities and actions, often in irrational ways or to irrational degrees. These concerns highlight the negative effects of perfectionism, as they often result in poor performance and decreased well-being. For instance, these concerns may cause a student to unnecessarily postpone submitting their assignments due to excessive worry about potential mistakes.
  • Certain elements of striving for perfection tend to reduce the tendency to procrastinate. These include, most notably, a strong drive for perfection, characterized by setting and working towards extremely high personal standards, often with a focus on achieving flawlessness in one’s work. These efforts showcase the positive aspects of striving for excellence, as they often result in favorable outcomes for individuals, including improved performance and overall well-being. For instance, the desire to get top grades can drive a student to consistently submit their assignments by the due date.

In addition, various aspects of individuals’ perfectionism can also contribute to the impact it has on their tendency to procrastinate. As an illustration, people tend to procrastinate more when others hold them to high standards, which is known as socially prescribed perfectionism. On the other hand, when individuals set high standards for themselves, known as self-oriented perfectionism, they are more likely to reduce procrastination.

Furthermore, there are several factors that can impact individuals’ pursuit of perfection and how it relates to their tendency to delay tasks. For instance, when individuals face parental criticism, it can intensify their worries about being perfect, which in turn can worsen their tendency to delay tasks. On the other hand, individuals with a strong belief in their own abilities can effectively manage their perfectionistic worries, leading to a reduction in procrastination.

Ultimately, the impact of perfectionism on procrastination can vary depending on a range of factors. These factors encompass various elements related to the pursuit of excellence, including different perspectives on perfectionism (such as personal aspirations versus external pressures) and individual traits like self-confidence. It’s important to note that not all individuals who strive for perfection tend to delay or put off tasks.

Perfectionism can often result in a tendency to delay tasks. For instance, it can amplify the adverse emotions individuals feel when they make errors, prompting them to procrastinate as a means of avoiding these negative emotions. On the other hand, striving for perfection can greatly raise individuals’ standards for themselves, leading to a significant gap between their current and desired circumstances. This disparity can make their goals seem out of reach, ultimately resulting in feelings of discouragement and abandonment.

These mechanisms can lead individuals into a cycle of striving for perfection and delaying tasks. Take, for instance, a scenario where an individual’s pursuit of perfectionism instills a fear of receiving negative feedback. This fear then triggers procrastination, resulting in subpar performance and subsequent negative feedback. This cycle perpetuates as the fear of negative feedback intensifies, creating a loop of avoidance.

Additional factors contributing to procrastination

There are various reasons why individuals may procrastinate, including factors like anxiety, fear of failure, and depression. It is worth noting that while perfectionism can occasionally result in procrastination, not all procrastinators are perfectionists. Additionally, even those who are perfectionists do not necessarily procrastinate solely due to their perfectionism. However, there are several factors that contribute to procrastination, including anxiety and the fear of failure. These factors often intersect with perfectionism, either by occurring alongside it or by being connected to perfectionistic concerns.

Perfectionistic procrastinators

There is no universally agreed-upon definition for individuals who exhibit a tendency towards perfectionism and procrastination. However, this term typically describes individuals who experience significant delays in their work due to their perfectionist tendencies. Take an artist, for instance, who tends to put off sharing their work due to concerns about public perception. This delay may stem from a desire for perfection, leading to a tendency to procrastinate.

Furthermore, the concept of a “perfectionistic procrastinator” arises when a person’s tendency to strive for perfection is one of the main factors contributing to their procrastination, along with other descriptive factors. For instance, if someone tends to delay tasks because of a mix of perfectionism and depression, they could be described as a procrastinator who is perfectionistic and feels down.

Overcoming the tendency to procrastinate due to perfectionism

If you find that your desire for perfection is leading to delays in your work, there are a few important steps you can take to address this issue:

  • Establish achievable objectives and benchmarks. It is important to evaluate the situation and determine the level of performance necessary to accomplish your goals and meet your needs.
  • Direct your attention towards your own progress rather than comparing yourself to others. Many of the challenges related to perfectionism stem from placing excessive importance on external expectations and concerns about others’ opinions. If this is a concern for you, then it may be helpful to shift your focus towards your personal goals and standards and reduce the importance you place on the opinions of others.
  • Address and overcome your concerns. For instance, if you become aware of your fear of receiving criticism for not achieving flawless work, you can question yourself with thoughts like, “How probable is it that they will genuinely care if I make minor mistakes?” or “What does it matter if this person criticizes my work?”. When engaging in this task, it may be beneficial to employ self-distancing techniques. For instance, you can question the significance of being overly concerned about minor errors or contemplate the advice you would offer a friend facing a similar situation.
  • Take a moment to reflect on the potential drawbacks of your pursuit of perfection. For instance, you may want to reflect on how your tendency to delay tasks due to perfectionism is hindering you from receiving valuable feedback and impeding your progress.
  • Allow yourself the freedom to learn from your missteps. As an illustration, when writing a paper, it’s important to acknowledge that your work may not be flawless, particularly in the initial draft. It’s important to adopt a balanced approach in both your work and efforts to overcome procrastination. Don’t get caught up in striving for perfection, as it can hinder progress. Instead, focus on building your self-efficacy. Specifically, this is your confidence in your ability to execute the necessary steps to accomplish your objectives. You have multiple options for development, including analyzing the strategies that can help you reach your objectives and devising effective execution plans.
  • Cultivate a sense of self-care and understanding. In order to cultivate a sense of self-compassion, it is important to focus on three key aspects: being kind to oneself, acknowledging that everyone faces difficulties, and embracing one’s emotions without judgment. There are numerous strategies for accomplishing this, including some that are especially applicable when dealing with perfectionism, like altering your self-talk to be more optimistic and empathetic.
  • Receive support and encouragement from fellow individuals. For instance, consider seeking guidance from a trained therapist to address any concerns related to perfectionism. Alternatively, you may find it helpful to have a supportive friend who can provide motivation and encouragement when you need to take action. If you’re hesitant to seek assistance due to your pursuit of perfection, remember that it’s completely acceptable and common to ask for help. Seeking help can lead to improved results and long-term satisfaction.

Prior to selecting which methods to employ, it is important to evaluate your tendencies towards perfectionism and procrastination in order to comprehend their interrelation. This can assist you in identifying the particular areas of your perfectionism that require attention and determining the appropriate methods to address them.

Furthermore, there are numerous alternative methods that could prove advantageous in combating your tendency to procrastinate due to perfectionism. Here are some of the things that are included:

  • Divide your work into smaller, more manageable tasks. For instance, if you’re faced with a daunting task like tackling a research paper, you can make it more manageable by breaking it down into smaller steps. This may involve creating an outline, gathering relevant resources, and crafting an engaging introduction.
  • Begin with a small action. As an illustration, make a commitment to write just one sentence or exercise for a mere 2 minutes. Allow yourself to stop after taking that small initial step in order to alleviate the pressure of starting.
  • Efficiently manage multiple tasks. For instance, if you find yourself facing a roadblock and unable to move forward, try shifting your focus to another task until you feel prepared to return to the initial one.
  • Recognize and appreciate the strides you’ve made. For instance, you can reward yourself with a delightful indulgence after successfully reaching your study objectives for a consecutive week.
  • Optimize your work schedule to align with your productivity cycles. For instance, if you prefer to focus on creative tasks in the morning, it would be beneficial to prioritize those tasks during that time.
  • Enhance the quality of your work environment. For instance, if your current work environment is filled with distracting background noise, consider investing in noise-canceling headphones or finding a quieter space.
  • Make sure to get sufficient rest. For instance, if you want to excel at tasks that demand intense focus, it’s crucial to schedule regular breaks to prevent exhaustion. To motivate yourself, it’s important to remember that taking breaks can actually improve your overall productivity and well-being in the long run, despite any short-term decrease in productivity.
  • It’s important to let go of any regrets about previous delays. For instance, if you have a task that you’ve been putting off, you might think, “I regret not tackling this earlier, but dwelling on the past won’t help. It’s time to focus on moving forward and completing it.”

Prior to implementing these strategies, it is important to understand the underlying causes of your tendency to delay tasks. This is particularly crucial if there are factors contributing to your procrastination other than striving for perfection. Additionally, it is essential to identify the specific instances and methods through which you tend to procrastinate. This will then assist you in discovering the most effective methods to combat procrastination in your unique circumstances and will also guide you on how to utilize these techniques optimally.

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By PFactor
PFactor is an author with a burning passion for unraveling the complexities of procrastination and championing self-improvement. Through his insightful writings and engaging talks, PFactor dives deep into the psychology behind procrastination, offering practical strategies and motivating anecdotes to inspire personal growth.
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