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The 25 Most Inspiring Marketing Books to Add to Your Reading List in 2024

By PFactor
43 Min Read

I have a complex relationship with marketing books.

They are the driving force behind my career growth and the top contender for the biggest time drain.

Many marketers believe that writing a book can serve as strong social proof for their consulting career, enhancing their credibility and authority.

Amazon’s transformation of the book publishing process into a self-service experience that can be completed with just a few clicks has had a negative impact. Nowadays, there seems to be an overwhelming number of new marketing books being published every month, many of which may not provide much value.

In the most ideal scenario, they may end up wasting your time. In the worst-case scenario, they may lead you astray with misguided guidance.

I’ll make sure to continuously update this list as I continue to explore more books and uncover hidden treasures. 

What are the characteristics of an exceptional marketing book?

Identifying the best marketing books can be a bit challenging. Some are definitely worth your time, while others may not be worth reading.

There is no one-size-fits-all definition of a great marketing book. The ideal choice depends on your current skill set and the stage your company is at in terms of growth, strategy, team size, and focus.

Here are some important indicators to consider when determining if a book is a good match for you.

Strategy versus tactics

When it comes to books, I tend to gravitate towards those that delve into marketing strategy rather than providing step-by-step instructions.

The reasoning is straightforward: in today’s ever-evolving online marketing landscape, strategies evolve at such a rapid pace that a book cannot keep up with the latest trends. By the time it’s published, many tactics may have become outdated.

Blogs and communities are excellent sources for staying updated on the latest tactics. Marketing books are more effective at providing you with high-level strategies. Some things have a limited lifespan, while others endure indefinitely.

It’s worth noting that some of the marketing books I’m recommending have been around for as long as 50 years! However, their main focus is on key marketing strategies rather than providing guidance on how to use the Facebook Ads Manager.

Intended audience

Who is the book intended for? Typically, the author clearly states the intended audience for the book.

For instance, Lost and Founder, while not solely focused on marketing, is written by a highly skilled marketer and contains valuable marketing insights. This book is particularly well-suited for startup co-founders and marketing executives.

The Revenue Marketing book is a shining example that belongs in this category. This book is well-suited for a marketing executive who possesses the foresight and authority to enact significant organizational transformations. It offers valuable insights and guidance for driving positive change.

There are other books available that are specifically tailored for marketers who need to implement marketing strategies or specific components of them.

The stage and industry of the company

Marketing professionals are often filled with enthusiasm. On multiple occasions, I’ve witnessed marketers in early-stage startups deviating from their path because they attempted to implement advice from a book that was clearly intended for more established companies with greater resources and a larger team.

Most marketing books have a broad scope and cover a wide range of company stages and industries.

It’s important for you to determine if a book aligns well with you and your business. Take a look at the author’s bio. Have big businesses always employed them? Is their career more focused on B2B or B2C?

While it may be challenging to find a book that perfectly aligns with your growth stage and industry, it’s important to remember that this doesn’t diminish the value or worth of other books on marketing strategies. Don’t let this discourage you from exploring and benefiting from the knowledge they offer. It’s your responsibility to interpret what you’re reading and focus on the aspects that can make the biggest difference to your business.

There are countless opportunities in the field of digital marketing. As a marketing professional, it is essential to grasp the factors that can make the most significant impact and give them top priority.

Positive Signs

There are so many possibilities to consider. Why not give Amazon reviews a try? However, they can be easily influenced.

Additional warning signs may arise from the author’s biography. I prefer books written by authors with a proven track record in the real world. A book often benefits from having an author who has firsthand knowledge of the subject matter in order for it to truly shine. Otherwise, it tends to be a compilation of various marketing books and blog posts.

Undoubtedly, possessing a profound comprehension of a subject does not automatically ensure one’s ability to effectively convey it in a book.

These are the best marketing books, in my opinion.

Apologies for the lengthy introduction. I understand that you’re looking for inspiration for your next book on digital marketing rather than seeking guidance on how to choose a book. Let’s get started!

Lost and Founder:
A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World

Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World

Lost & Founder” is written by Rand Fishkin, a highly accomplished marketer who was the former CEO & co-founder of Moz and is now leading SparkToro. While not strictly a marketing book, it offers valuable insights from his experience.

The book offers a unique perspective on Rand’s journey as a Startup founder, providing valuable marketing advice and showcasing the evolution of Moz throughout its lifetime. It demonstrates how businesses can adapt and transform as they grow.

As an example, Rand shares his stories about growth hacking and how, despite initially yielding positive results, it ultimately had detrimental effects in the long run. Something I’ve personally experienced as well.

Overall, for marketers in the SaaS space, this book is both insightful and entertaining.

  • Number of pages: 300
  • Price: $14.99
  • Year: 2018

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational

I’ve read this book countless times and instantly fell in love with it. This book is definitely one of my most frequently given gifts.

Dan Ariely is widely recognized as a leading figure in the field of behavioral science, known for his exceptional teaching and communication skills. His books are thought-provoking, packed with practical experiments and real-life examples, and incredibly engaging.

“Predictably Irrational” delves into the fascinating realm of human cognition, exploring the intricacies of our thought processes and shedding light on the reasons behind our seemingly irrational choices, even when we believe ourselves to be highly rational. Ariely’s research provides valuable insights into our buying behavior, which is a recurring theme in many of the book chapters.

For instance, have you ever considered the most crucial feeling when making a purchase? It’s Fear. When we choose not to make a purchase, it’s often due to apprehension. That’s why the concept of “free” holds such immense power, as it has the ability to eliminate fear.

After reading this book, you’ll be equipped with a wealth of ideas to enhance your marketing messages, optimize your landing pages, strengthen your commercial offer, and captivate users with your product more effectively and efficiently.

You can believe me. This book is truly exceptional in the field of marketing.

  • Number of pages: 302
  • Price: $13.99
  • Year: 2009

Breakthrough Advertising

Breakthrough Advertising

Many consider “Breakthrough Advertising” to be a revered guidebook for copywriting. For a while now, it has also been referred to as “The forgotten book.” It was incredibly challenging to locate and purchase used copies of the book on Amazon, with some sellers asking exorbitant prices of up to $400. And honestly, it was absolutely worth it.

Let go of the focus on CPC, CTR, Facebook ads, and display advertising. This book was written by Gene Schwartz in 1966, during a time when the advertising landscape was limited to direct mail and newspaper ads.

Fortunately, despite the evolving landscape of advertising channels over the past 60 years, customer behavior has remained consistent.

Additionally, it’s important to mention that this book goes beyond just advertising. Its primary goal is to assist you in comprehending the reasons behind consumer behavior and creating an impeccable marketing message to drive sales.

All of Gene Schwartz’s ideas have not only survived but have thrived in the digital age, making an even greater impact today than ever before.

One of my favorite quotes from this book is, “A Marketer’s goal is to inspire potential customers with fresh desires.” Generating new desires can be quite costly and challenging. As a marketer or business owner, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of people and their desires. By tapping into these existing desires, you can effectively shape your marketing strategy.

This is a timeless masterpiece to enhance your marketing efforts.

  • Number of pages: 236
  • Price: $408.50 (Hardcover)
  • Year: 2004

22 Immutable Laws of Branding

22 Immutable Laws of Branding

Al Ries is widely recognized as an esteemed author of timeless marketing books. After perusing through Amazon reviews, it becomes clear that this particular product elicits strong opinions from consumers—some absolutely adore it, while others despise it.

I understand.

I’m a huge advocate for branding, particularly in the realm of SaaS Marketing. In my opinion, branding should be an essential component of any digital marketing strategy.

One drawback of this book is that it’s not up-to-date. It dates back to 2009, and the book provides numerous examples to illustrate strategies that have unfortunately proven to be unsuccessful over time. For instance, Ries had doubts about Amazon’s ability to venture beyond the book industry and was skeptical about the widespread adoption of smartphones.

Despite some negative examples that may detract from the book’s overall quality for the average reader, I respectfully hold a different opinion. There are always unique cases and exceptions in business, and this is one of them. However, it’s important to remember that these outliers don’t undermine the general rules that apply to the majority of the world.

This book is truly exceptional for marketers and business professionals looking to enhance their branding skills. The article provides valuable insights into the process of building iconic brands and how these principles can be applied to modern internet marketing.

  • Number of pages: 216
  • Price: $15.99
  • Year: 2009

The 10x Marketing Formula

The 10x Marketing Formula

If you have a passion for inbound marketing and content marketing, you’re in for a treat with the “10x Marketing formula” (Not to be confused with “10x” by Grant Cardone).

The author of this book is Garrett Moon, a Co-Schedule co-founder. If you’re interested in learning more about the approach discussed in the book, I highly recommend checking out this post for a fantastic introduction.

The fundamental concept is that your marketing success will not be determined by numerous small victories but rather by substantial leaps that will have a significant impact.

With this opening, the book delves into the art of crafting, evaluating, and refining a reliable marketing strategy that thrives on daring decisions. While there may be occasional setbacks, the moments of triumph will undoubtedly revolutionize your business.

The book highlighted the importance of content marketing, which I find to be a highly effective strategy for growing SaaS businesses. The author has extensively tested all the strategies presented on CoSchedule’s blog, and social media marketing is a frequent topic of discussion.

Short version: If you’re developing a digital marketing strategy for a SaaS business, I highly recommend reading this book. It’s often overlooked in “best marketing books” lists, but it’s definitely worth your time!

  • Number of pages: 368
  • Price: $0.99
  • Year: 2018



“Hooked” by Nir Eyal has become a global bestseller. This book is a comprehensive guide to how highly successful businesses create products that form lasting habits.

Indeed, it’s all about the products, not just the marketing campaigns. This book goes beyond just marketing and delves into the strategies of captivating users, fostering loyalty, and maximizing customer retention. It offers valuable insights on how to hook users to your product and convert them into devoted customers.

This book is highly recommended for anyone working in product marketing. It is considered the top choice in its field. When discussing revenue marketing, it is important for SaaS business leaders to encourage collaboration and teamwork among all teams, breaking down silos.

The topics covered in this book are highly relevant for implementing a product-led growth (PLG) strategy.

  • Number of pages: 256
  • Price: $16.99
  • Year: 2014

Traffic Secrets

Traffic Secrets

“Traffic Secrets” by marketing legend Russell Brunson is a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed in book recommendations. I believe it is truly one of the most exceptional marketing books available, as it draws from Russell’s personal journey of growing a digital business from nothing to $100 million without any venture capital funding.

The book is incredibly current, having been published in 2020, and it excels at comprehensively addressing marketing strategies and tactics.

The process of generating traffic, converting it into leads, and ultimately turning them into new customers is explained in a clear and concise manner.

And the journey continues. An essential aspect of this book also focuses on strategies to enhance lifetime value through upsells and continuously generate more revenue from loyal customers.

Everything begins with content and how it can be repurposed across various channels, such as YouTube, social media, books, and more.

The book itself is a powerful tool that attracts readers to ClickFunnel. I gained valuable insights from studying the book and examining how it is utilized to enhance the business.

The tactics described may be considered unconventional in traditional SaaS Marketing, but they have proven to be highly effective. It’s important to remember that the reason they are so effective for ClickFunnel is because of Russell’s strong personal brand.

  • Number of pages: 347
  • Price: $9.99
  • Year: 2020

The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand Out From The Crowd

The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand Out From The Crowd

This book is a must-read for anyone in the SaaS or B2B marketing industry. It offers a practical guide to every stage of the marketing plan, making it an invaluable resource.

The book is organized into three main sections: before, during, and after.

The before phase encompasses important tasks that should be completed prior to launching a new business. These tasks include identifying your target market, developing your message and story, and conducting thorough research on potential customers through advertising.

The During phase focuses on capturing, nurturing, and converting leads into paying customers.

The after phase is dedicated to providing an exceptional customer experience that maximizes lifetime value.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to plan your marketing efforts at a strategic level. This is the book’s main challenge, and it empowers you to devise strategies to carry out the plan. One aspect that could be improved in this book is its coverage of the traffic acquisition phase, which could be expanded upon to provide a more comprehensive understanding. However, the book does place a strong emphasis on lead generation, which is uplifting and valuable.

This book is truly exceptional and deserves to be recognized as one of the top marketing books available.

  • Number of pages: 234
  • Price: $2.99
  • Year: 2016

Hacking Growth

Hacking Growth

Sean Ellis, the term’s creator, and Morgan Brown, who worked with Sean before taking positions at Facebook and Shopify, wrote “Hacking Growth,” widely regarded as the best book on “Growth Hacking.”

It is evident that they practice what they preach.

The book is an absolute joy to read, and it is organized into two main sections. The first one provides a valuable introduction to growth hacking and outlines the importance of implementing an effective process within your company. It emphasizes the significance of making assumptions, conducting rapid tests, analyzing the results, and continuously improving before moving on to the next experiment.

In my view, this is precisely what most marketers require: a solid process to go through a series of experiments and evaluate their impact.

The second part of the book is packed with practical strategies and real-life success stories that demonstrate how you can implement growth hacking to propel your company’s growth.

Without a doubt, it absolutely deserves a place on my list of the best marketing books!

  • Number of pages: 300
  • Price: $14.99
  • Year: 2017

Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion

Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion

This popular and timeless marketing book by Robert Cialdini is highly regarded for its insights into the psychology of persuasion and its ability to help businesses thrive.

Don’t let the title fool you; this book goes beyond influencer marketing and explores the fascinating psychology behind our propensity to say yes. Looking at it from this perspective, it’s quite similar to being predictably irrational.

Despite being written in the 1980s, this book remains a captivating read that remains surprisingly relevant. It serves as a reminder that human behavior doesn’t undergo rapid transformation.

I absolutely adore this book because it is brimming with fantastic examples that are not only inspiring but also highly practical. Each chapter is filled with valuable insights that you can immediately apply to your homepage or landing pages.

Additionally, there is a chapter dedicated to the concept of social proof. I have a deep appreciation for the impact of social proof, and I have conducted various experiments with Facebook Ads to witness its remarkable power. And even though most businesses use it frequently these days, I think it’s frequently insufficient or ineffective.

  • Number of pages: 592
  • Price: $19.99
  • Year: 2021

Don’t Make Me Think

Don’t Make Me Think

This timeless book by Steve Krug is a resounding success and is highly recommended for anyone in marketing who works on website design.

The idea is evident from the title: simplicity reigns supreme when it comes to website design, whether it’s the homepage or a landing page.

Many companies today prioritize creative designs over web usability. Although it may have a positive impact on your brand, it can have a detrimental effect on your conversion rate.

The target audience primarily consists of designers, empowering them with the skills to effectively address requests for impractical designs from the marketing team and business leaders.

As a marketer, reading it can greatly enhance your ability to evaluate website designs and foster better collaboration with your design team.

  • Number of pages: 210
  • Price: $16.83
  • Year: 2013

High-Impact Content Marketing

High-Impact Content Marketing

Every marketer I know has highly recommended this book in the recent past.

Purna Virji is an experienced marketer and keynote speaker, currently serving as the Principal Consultant for Content Solutions at LinkedIn.

The book is written in a clear and accessible manner, providing practical frameworks that can be easily implemented to create impactful content that drives business results throughout the customer journey.

In a world where many companies are still using outdated strategies when it comes to content marketing, Purna excels at defining what it truly means to create high-quality content and how to produce it at scale to stay competitive with modern content creators.

Let me share what I adored about this book:

It’s a comprehensive program that covers various channels, providing valuable insights on creating exceptional content for video, audio, social media, and blogs.

It encompasses both overarching content strategies and practical tactics

This resource is thoroughly researched and includes numerous real-life examples.

High-impact content marketing is truly deserving of a spot among the top marketing books for 2024. It is an essential read for content marketers.

  • Number of pages: 351
  • Price: $21.66
  • Year: 2023

Content Inc.

Content Inc.

Joe Pulizzi is widely recognized as a leading figure in the field of content marketing. He has been instrumental in popularizing the term since 2001 and is the visionary behind Content Marketing Institute, a highly regarded blog dedicated to the subject.

He provides valuable insights in “Content Inc.” that can help small businesses grasp the workings of content marketing, establish achievable goals, and strategize effective marketing campaigns.

Many individuals tend to associate content marketing with a heavy focus on blogs. I absolutely adore this book because it emphasizes the importance of tailoring your content to align with your expertise and the interests and needs of your potential customers. It takes a holistic approach rather than fixating on just one distribution channel.

The second edition is incredibly current. Released in 2021, this content is packed with valuable social media marketing tips that encompass the latest trends, including platforms like TikTok and Snapchat.

  • Number of pages: 432
  • Price: $14.34
  • Year: 2021

Product-Led Growth: How to Build a Product That Sells Itself

Product-Led Growth: How to Build a Product That Sells Itself

Product-Led Growth is currently the hottest trend in online marketing, capturing the attention of marketers and replacing the buzz around growth hacking.

Wes Bush, the author of the book, is widely recognized in the industry and his website, ProductLed, is highly regarded for its educational content on the subject.

PLG’s strategy focuses on utilizing your product as a powerful marketing channel. By attracting a large number of users through free or trial plans, we aim to enhance the user experience, increase conversion rates, and create a delightful experience for new customers. Our ultimate goal is to incentivize these customers to refer even more customers, creating a positive cycle of growth.

The book is brimming with practical advice on selecting your business model, enhancing your user experience, minimizing churn, and more. This is an excellent introduction to begin your journey into Product-led growth.

Undoubtedly, the book places a significant emphasis on the SaaS industry. Although it may not be essential for those in the eCommerce industry, it could still be an intriguing read.

If you enjoyed this book as much as I did, there’s also a fantastic follow-up called “Product-led Onboarding” that delves exclusively into SaaS onboarding.

  • Number of pages: 278
  • Price: $9.99
  • Year: 2019

Inbound Marketing:
Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online

Inbound Marketing: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online

I had some reservations about including this book by Hubspot’s co-founders, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, in the list of the best marketing books to read in 2024. However, I believe it is worth mentioning at the very least.

The book may be considered a bit outdated, but it is specifically designed for beginners rather than advanced marketers. Contrary to that, this book had a profound effect on me when I initially read it while we were embarking on our AdEspresso journey.

Hubspot is the company that revolutionized marketing by introducing inbound marketing and permission marketing as effective alternatives to traditional interruption marketing methods like outbound calls and traditional advertising.

I’m incredibly appreciative of Hubspot’s previous marketing tactics for inspiring the strategy I’ve used today.

Overall, if you’re just beginning your journey in digital marketing and aspire to make SEO and content a crucial part of your career, this book is a must-read.

  • Number of pages: 216
  • Price: $14.00
  • Year: 2014

Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy

I actually read this book a while back, and it made a lasting impression on me. I recall that it was quite enjoyable. I’d argue that it caters more towards entrepreneurs than marketers, though.

This bestselling book aims to help readers discover hidden opportunities in low-competition markets, allowing them to expand their businesses and achieve significant growth. These markets are known as ‘blue oceans,’ and they offer a much more enticing opportunity compared to the intense competition and shrinking profits in red oceans.

  • Number of pages: 320
  • Price: $15.96
  • Year: 2015

Digital Marketing For Dummies

Digital Marketing For Dummies

I never expected to find a “For Dummies” book on my list of top marketing books. Even more astonishing, one that is actually 14 years old!

But Ryan Deiss, a marketing legend whom I greatly respect, is the author of this book. The book is perfect for beginners and does an excellent job of establishing a strong foundation for your marketing career.

The text covers all the essential strategies and provides numerous success stories to draw inspiration from.

  • Number of pages: 368
  • Price: $21.00
  • Year: 2020

The Smart Marketing Book:
The definitive guide to effective marketing strategies

The Smart Marketing Book: The definitive guide to effective marketing strategies

A new book by Dan White will be released in 2021. It’s highly probable that this book is designed for beginners, offering a concise and enjoyable introduction to various marketing strategies and channels.

The general consensus among readers is that this book is enjoyable to read, although it may not delve too deeply into certain topics. It is often recommended as a good starting point for those interested in marketing, before moving on to more specialized books.

  • Number of pages: 184
  • Price: $8.54
  • Year: 2021

The Customer Centricity Playbook: Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value

The Customer Centricity Playbook: Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value

This book goes beyond the traditional scope of marketing and has the power to bring about positive change for businesses and their marketing teams.

Customer-centric companies prioritize the needs and satisfaction of their customers, ensuring that they are at the forefront of every aspect of the business, including marketing, product development, customer support, and success. The customers are no longer just a faceless group but rather individuals with unique identities. The business is dedicated to ensuring their success and satisfaction.

  • Number of pages: 136
  • Price: $9.99
  • Year: 2018

Everybody Writes:
Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

I’ve heard so many positive reviews about “Everybody Writes” that I absolutely have to include it in this list. I’m definitely planning on reading it in 2024.

This book is highly focused on business and online marketing. It will assist you in improving your copywriting skills to create exceptional content that will effectively attract, convert, and retain customers for your business.

In my personal view, copywriting is a skill that is often overlooked in today’s world. It’s interesting how startups are so eager to invest a significant amount of money in professional website design, yet they often neglect the importance of quality copywriting. Instead, they tend to believe that the CEO or an intern can handle it without allocating any budget for it.

I strongly disagree; I can assure you that the copy has a much greater impact than the design in most cases.

  • Number of pages: 320
  • Price: $18.84
  • Year: 2014

Product-Led SEO

Product-Led SEO

I found “Product-Led SEO” to be an extremely valuable resource for enhancing my company’s search engine optimization strategy. Eli Schwartz, the author, offers practical guidance and strategies to enhance our website and product, attracting more organic traffic and boosting conversions.

One aspect that stood out to me in the book was its focus on prioritizing user-centric design for the product. The book offered practical advice on how to effectively integrate user research and feedback into the product development process. It also provided insights on how to enhance the product’s UI and features to improve search engine visibility.

Overall, “Product-Led SEO” provided a thorough and detailed guide on how to effectively optimize your SaaS product for search engines. I would enthusiastically recommend it to other founders and marketers seeking to enhance their SEO strategy.

  • Number of pages: 262
  • Price: $0.99
  • Year: 2021

The Ultimate Marketing Engine

The Ultimate Marketing Engine

I read “The Ultimate Marketing Engine” earlier this year and wholeheartedly agree with John Jantsch.

The most powerful marketing tool for your company is a delighted customer who would enthusiastically recommend you without hesitation. Jantsch provides a programmatic approach, outlining 5 practical steps to transform your customers into brand advocates.

These include valuable insights into understanding your customers’ painpoints, identifying the real problems you can solve, and targeting customers who both need and can afford your product. Scaling this process requires a strong dedication to solving the needs of these customer ecosystems.

I also really liked how the author emphasized the significance of fostering a marketing culture within the organization, in addition to discussing tactics.

It’s definitely worth a read, especially if you’re looking to understand the marketing ethos for your company.

  • Number of pages: 224
  • Price: $9.99
  • Year: 2021

Moving to Outcomes:
Why Partnerships are the Future of Marketing

Moving to Outcomes: Why Partnerships are the Future of Marketing

I found this book to be quite impressive. Although not all of it may be considered valuable, there were some notable insights on how to effectively drive partnership marketing.

I strongly believe that prioritizing marketing ROI is crucial for SaaS companies, particularly during challenging economic times. This book is an excellent resource for those looking to achieve success in outcome-based partnership marketing. It provides valuable insights and guidance to help drive positive results.

Glazer and Wool thoroughly support their point by providing numerous use cases and analyzing successful companies.

The key idea is straightforward: To achieve a more favorable return on investment and ensure consistent long-term success, brands should contemplate expanding their marketing strategies by allocating additional funds to scalable and transparent marketing partnerships.

One thing that could have made it even better is if it had delved deeper into the key pricing and performance rules that drive these partnerships.

That said, I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to expand their marketing portfolio beyond the mainstream.

  • Number of pages: 224
  • Price: $7.99
  • Year: 2022

Forget the Funnel

Forget the Funnel

This book immediately captivated me, and I felt compelled to update and include it in this post. It is truly a valuable resource for SaaS marketers.

Exciting news! Forget the Funnel is hot off the press, having been released on May 9th, 2023. This incredible project is the result of the collaboration between Georgiana Laudi and Claire Suellentrop.

The two authors have extensive experience in SaaS Marketing. They have experience working in prestigious companies such as Unbounce and Calendly, where they played a crucial role in driving their growth during the early stages.

They later joined forces to establish “Forget the Funnel,” a San Francisco agency dedicated to assisting leading SaaS companies in expanding their growth.

I’ve had a few calls with them in the past for breadcrumbs, and I can assure you, they’re highly intelligent and knowledgeable.

This book will show you the precise method they employ to assist their customers. And it’s a refreshingly unconventional approach that I absolutely adore.

Instead of exhausting your marketing team with a never-ending list of tactics that may or may not be effective for your company and industry, they have shifted their focus to prioritize customers. This approach involves aligning the efforts of the marketing, product, and sales teams to better serve and understand the needs of your customers.

This incredible marketing book will guide you through the process of identifying your most valuable customers and conducting interviews to gain insight into their purchasing decisions. You’ll learn about their journey, from discovering your product to their previous methods, and how using your product has positively impacted their lives.

Once you have this information, you’ll discover how to use it to revolutionize your approach to marketing and sales. By embracing a customer-focused approach, you can achieve organic and predictable growth without relying on the latest marketing tactics.

I have a great deal of admiration for Rand Fishkin, and I wanted to share his thoughts on Forget the Funnel.

Working with Claire and Gia was an incredible investment for my team. We not only recouped our initial investment, but we saw our earnings increase exponentially. This book provides a clear and practical guide on how to achieve similar success.

Rand Fishkin, the visionary behind SparkToro

  • Number of pages: 149
  • Price: $0.99
  • Year: 2023

Marketing Artificial Intelligence:
AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business

Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business

Sure… I’ve been contemplating whether or not to include this book in the list of top Marketing books in 2024.

Paul Roetzer, the author, is the CEO of the Marketing AI Institute and possesses a profound understanding of how AI can be effectively utilized in the field of marketing. I found it to be a decent book, although it hasn’t had the same profound effect on me as some of the other books on this list.

However, it is disheartening to witness the restructuring and layoffs that many SaaS companies are imposing on their marketing teams. These decisions seem to stem from misconceptions about the capabilities of AI and its potential to replace marketers. I also notice a significant amount of uncertainty among ExEC teams regarding the true potential of AI in marketing.

That’s what inspired me to include this book on the list. This resource effectively explains the capabilities of AI in assisting marketing teams and offers a practical framework for implementing it throughout the sales process with realistic expectations. Having a roadmap is essential for every company, regardless of its size or industry.

  • Number of pages: 256
  • Price: $12.99
  • Year: 2023

Final Thoughts: Emphasizing the importance of learning over simply reading.

When I first began, my main focus was on the number of books I could read in a year. Tweets that emphasized how successful people frequently read hundreds of books each year served as inspiration for me. Believe me, when it comes to books, the importance lies in quality rather than quantity.

Over time, I came to realize that reading extensively is beneficial, but the true aim is personal growth. It involves reflecting on what you’ve learned and applying it to your life.

To truly benefit from a book about meditation, it’s important to put the teachings into practice and actually start meditating. Similarly, if you want to improve as a marketer, it’s crucial to experiment with the strategies and tactics you’ve recently learned.

Here’s a suggestion: Take as much time as you need. Reading just a handful of books that truly inspire personal growth can be just as valuable as reading a larger number.

Just a quick note: There may be some affiliate links to Amazon included. If you purchase the book, I will earn a small commission 🙂 Don’t fret. It has no effect on my assessment of the best marketing books!

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By PFactor
PFactor is an author with a burning passion for unraveling the complexities of procrastination and championing self-improvement. Through his insightful writings and engaging talks, PFactor dives deep into the psychology behind procrastination, offering practical strategies and motivating anecdotes to inspire personal growth.
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