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Reasons to Avoid Sleeping with Your Phone Nearby (and How to Handle the Situation)

By PFactor
6 Min Read

Many of us keep our phones close by when we go to bed. Having your phone next to you in bed can cause a range of sleep, health, and productivity problems.

In the following article, you will discover the reasons why it is advisable to keep your phone away from you while you sleep and find out some helpful tips to minimize its potential drawbacks if you choose to keep it nearby.

The potential issues of keeping your phone close while sleeping

There are several key reasons why having your phone nearby while you’re in bed can have negative effects on your well-being:

  • Using your phone before bed can disrupt your sleep and make it more difficult to fall asleep, resulting in lower sleep quality. The detrimental effects of using electronic media before going to bed are widely known and can be attributed to various factors. Due to this, refraining from using your phone and other electronic devices before bedtime is seen as a crucial element of sleep hygiene, enhancing the quality of your sleep.
  • Waking up multiple times during the night can make it more tempting to reach for your phone. Typically, when waking up during the night, most people prefer to return to sleep. However, if you have your phone nearby, you may be tempted to check messages or engage in other unnecessary activities, which can negatively impact your sleep.
  • It increases the likelihood of your phone being the first thing you see in the morning. It’s important to evaluate if this aligns with your personal goals and aspirations. Consider the impact of starting your day by immediately checking your phone on your overall well-being, including feelings of anxiety and productivity.

Due to these concerns, it is advisable to keep your phone away from you while you sleep. When it’s out of sight, you’ll be less likely to be tempted to check it out before or during your sleep. Consider how its placement will impact your morning routine and avoid positioning it as one of the first things you see in the morning.

What steps should you take if you choose to keep your phone nearby?

First, if you primarily rely on your phone’s alarm to wake up, it might be worth considering investing in a dedicated alarm clock.

Despite the drawbacks, many individuals still choose to keep their phones within reach, even if it may not be the most practical option. If you decide to retain it, there are certain steps you can take to prevent encountering these problems:

  • Use an app that can help cut down on the amount of blue light your phone screen emits. Although it is generally advised to avoid exposure to light before bedtime, blue light specifically has been found to have the greatest impact on sleep quality. By eliminating it, you address a significant portion of the issue with minimal exertion on your end.
  • Mute the sound on your phone. By doing this, you can rest peacefully without worrying about late-night messages disturbing you. Additionally, it would be beneficial to disable any vibrations, as they can produce a comparable outcome. Keep in mind that if you’re using your phone as an alarm, you can usually find a setting that lets you turn off the general sounds on your phone while still keeping the alarm sound on.
  • Activate airplane mode and disable the WiFi connection. This can also help reduce the volume that your device emits (aside from some notifications). What’s even more crucial is that this eliminates the urge to constantly check messages or browse the internet.
  • Utilize a mobile application that restricts the usage of other applications during specific time periods. This can be particularly beneficial if you have a particular website or application that you find yourself spending excessive time on, even when you should be getting some rest.

Summary and conclusions

  • Having your phone by your side while in bed can negatively impact your ability to fall asleep and diminish the quality of your sleep.
  • Having your phone within reach can also lead to feelings of anxiety and hinder productivity if it’s the first thing you check in the morning.
  • If you primarily use your phone as an alarm, it might be worth considering investing in a dedicated alarm clock for your bedside table.
  • If you choose to keep your phone nearby, there are steps you can take to minimize any potential drawbacks. For instance, you can utilize apps that block blue light or activate flight mode.
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By PFactor
PFactor is an author with a burning passion for unraveling the complexities of procrastination and championing self-improvement. Through his insightful writings and engaging talks, PFactor dives deep into the psychology behind procrastination, offering practical strategies and motivating anecdotes to inspire personal growth.
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